Our Top Four Holiday Safety Tips

It is that time of year again. The trees and ground are covered with a smooth layer of white snow. The fire is going and the whole family is getting together to celebrate. Either you are staying at home and embracing winter, or you are taking that much-needed vacation to somewhere warm. In both instances, your safety is what is most important to us at Sentinel Alarm.

Here are some quick tips to make the most out of your holidays.

  1. Arming/Disarming your alarm.

    The most important method to stay safe is to arm your system when you leave the house, and put your alarm on “stay mode”. If you do not feel comfortable using your alarm be sure to contact us and we will be more than happy to help you know everything your system can do.

  2. Do not post your vacation plans on social media.

    Even if you can’t wait to get onto that plane to go to paradise, sharing your travels can be a threat to your home security. Letting everyone know about your plans can be an open invitation to someone who wants to take advantage of your vacant home.

  3. Do not leave packages at your door.

    Due to the spike in online shopping over the past couple of years, most Christmas presents are sent through the mail. Depending on your chosen method of delivery, carriers will leave packages at your door. If this happens, anyone passing by your house might find themselves with a new Christmas gift and leaving you with an undelivered order.

  4. Make sure all your equipment is working properly.

    In winter, we often tend to crank up the heat and get cozy around the fire. If your fireplace runs off gas, make sure your gas detectors are functioning properly. If you own a wood burning fireplace, make sure your smoke detectors are active. Smoke detectors have useful lifespan of 10 years while the rest of the elemental detectors (natural gas, CO, low temperature) are good for 5-7 years.

From all the staff here at Sentinel Alarm, we wish you nothing but the best this holiday season!


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