Your Future Smart Home

Picture yourself out on a luxury boat on the Mediterranean Sea. The sun is dancing behind the few clouds in the sky, the wind is blowing calmly through your sails, and you take a smooth sip from your glass of wine, leaving the aromas to rest upon your pallet. It is a romantic scene, when all of a sudden, your phone rings! Your child back home has locked themselves out and cannot gain access to the house.

In this scenario, you have few options. Either your family is left stranded, or you have to come back home and ruin this picture perfect moment taken straight out of a movie.

If only there was a way to remotely lock and unlock your door from the peace and serenity that is the southern French/Italian waters. Luckily for you, this technology is not only present in a sci-fi novel, Home Automation is available today!

Home Automation essentially interconnects your locks, lights, thermostat, cameras, heat/water pump, security alarm system, and much more! With home automation, you have control to connect to your home utility devices via your smartphone, tablet, or computer all within the GoSentinel App. You can pair this technology with other products such as the Skybell Slimline (a doorbell with live video, and two-way voice communication) and the Indoor Wireless Fixed IP Camera (an indoor camera with live feed features and night vision). Integrate these devices with Google Home or Amazon Echo, and you can fully control your residence from anywhere!

Interested? You are in the right place!

Sentinel Alarm is the leading force behind home automation services equipped with state of the art technology. Give us a call today at (514)-737-1010 or make an appointment here and we will be more than happy to provide additional information and a FREE consultation to make your home a smart home!


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